Vivers Planas Púbol, Vivers Planas Export & Sotaplant
Access by truck
If you are comming to Vivers Planas Púbol, Vivers Planas Export or Sotaplant by truck over 10m long, you must access via km17 exit of C-66 road. For GPS direction, please click here.
In case you took the wrong exit and now you are stopped in front of the WRONG WAY signal, you must turn back using the enabled area on your left to return to the main road C-66. Once there, you must access via 17th km exit of the C-66 road. For GPS directions, please click here.
Access by car and van
If you are comming to Vivers Planas Púbol, Vivers Planas Export or Sotaplant by car, van or small truck (< 10m long), you can arribe by following the directions of your default GPS browser or by clicking here.